Saturday, April 3, 2010

thoughts on insignificant things.

why does my life tend to be filled with pettiness?
i wonder this a lot.
why do i settle for secondary and insignificant things instead of running towards God with all i am?
according to (i know, i like to look words up)
pettiness: of little or no importance or consequence.
there are so many things in this life that won't matter in the eternal.
so many things that won't transfer over to heaven.
so why do i spend my time doing and thinking about those things instead of my amazing God over all?
i'm not completely sure of that answer.
maybe it is that i don't think i am deserving.
maybe i want to impress other people with things that i know about.
maybe i know things things don't matter, but my sinful nature wants to do them anyway, and i just give in.
but i don't want to be like that.
i want my life to be full of meaning, and for it to matter.
i want to tell people about my God instead of spend my time on things that won't matter later.
i want to be all i can be for Him, and fulfill his purpose and plan for my life.
so goodbye petty things, i hope to not see you again.

goal for this week: spend less time on tv, internet, movies and more time building relationships, reading my Bible, and spending time in God's presence.

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