Monday, May 3, 2010

it's been a while...

and i just feel the need to get some thoughts down.
they will be random, and will probably be incoherent when placed together.
but it's cool.
first, i just walked out of the movie According to Greta. It's not that it's a bad movie, and it's not that it's a great movie.
it's somewhere in between.
however, it was turning into a love story.
and i really don't need that right now.
has anyone ever been there? because i am right now.
don't need it, don't want it, so i'm not focusing on it.
cool beans.
second, i want to start keeping a journal.
because i went and looked at all the pretty journals at Barnes & Noble.
and because i feel like it would be an incredibly great outlet for me.
if i can be patient enough to take the time to write.
this will be my.....well, i've had a lot of journals that i haven't kept up with.
hopefully this one will keep on keepin' on.
third, i'm almost done with my freshman year of college.
it's a strange feeling, knowing i'm not in high school anymore.
everything is new and different.
however, i have become a completely different person, and made some awesome new memories.
so i wouldn't change it for the world.
ESPECIALLY not to go back to high school.
it's been a great year, 2009-2010 school year.
here's to many (three) more.

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